Face Studio
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Batch Generation Tool

The power of controllable face generation comes from being able to do it at scale, and our batch generation tool makes it effortless.

To get started, complete the following form to create your customized request. Add new groups for each distinct set of faces, specifying the desired number of faces for each group. Don't forget to press the Submit Batch Request button to initiate the batch job.

Once submitted, you can periodically check the progress of your batch job. When the job is finished, a download link will be ready for you to access the generated faces in a convenient zipped archive. Simply return at a later time to download the completed faces and use them for your creative projects.

Basic users start with a limit of 100 faces per day. This can be increased to 300 per day with email verification. For higher usage limits, please take a look at usage plans.

To use the batch generation tool, please log in or register. Accounts are free and easy to create. This is essential for tracking extended batch jobs.

Group #1

Images are saved in 512×512 resolution by default. To save images in 1024×1024, with larger file sizes, enable this option.
Images are saved in JPEG format by default. To save in WebP format, with slightly less compression loss, enable this option.
Turns off invisible watermarks.

Submitted Batches

This list provides an overview of all your recently submitted batch jobs, allowing you to track the status and progress of your batch requests. It makes managing and monitoring multiple jobs simultaneously easy.

By default, only the 10 most recent batches are displayed, but you can click Show More below to view up to the last 100 jobs. Batch download files Expire and are deleted after 14 days.

Please note that occasionally, jobs may be stuck in pending or Fail entirely, which can be due to factors including new model deployments, feature updates, and routine system maintenance. In such cases, please try again at a later time. If you encounter frequent job failures, kindly report the issue by contacting us at help@facestudio.app.

Job ID Submitted Total Progress Elapsed Status
Please log in to use the batch generation tool.

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